Tuesday 18 September 2012

Our Inhuman Society

There is such a sad story in today's paper.  One Sarah Catt, married, mother of two children, found herself to be pregnant, she thought by her ex boy-friend, and illegally aborted the baby and buried it.  She was found out, tried, and now has gone to jail for eight years.

What possible use is this jail sentence?  She doesn't need to be punished - surely she has suffered enough.  Now her children are to be punished with the loss of their mother.   She is not a danger to the public.  She is not likely to re-offend.

For goodness sake, she could be given some community service helping to look after homeless mothers and their children.

I am ashamed to like in this unimaginatively cruel society.

Thursday 6 September 2012


If you think the State should provide the essentials to keep society going, by collecting taxes and doing it for you, then you're a Socialist.  If you think people should stand on their own two feet and the law of supply and demand will solve all the problems and provide what we need at a price we are willing to pay, then you're a Conservative.  Naturally, neither system works perfectly by itself, so we need a Mixed Economy.

We've got a Conservative-leaning Mixed Economy at the moment and it's not working very well.  To start with, the Banks, the very heart of it, had to be given a lot of money to prop them up!!!To do that we've had to reduce benefits to the disabled and sell school playing fields.  Can that be right?  But now matters have got even worse.  We seem to be having to pay those lovely property-developers to property-develop!  And remove anything that is hampering them, like planning permissions.  And not even insist that they build houses normal people can afford to live in.

All our least favourite people are being handed out the dosh.  Who's next?  Will estate agents have to be subsidised to help them sell these houses that we can't afford to buy?

Saturday 1 September 2012


For me, happiness is making something.  I can't really knit any more because of arthritis in, of all things, my thumbs, but I've still got my bag of wool.  My grandson's baby is due this month, and I've got out his old teddy, safely stored in the attic for over 20 years.  I've washed him but he's got some marks on his legs I can't get off, so made him some trousers out of some check pyjamas.  Now he needs a sweater.  Knitting that tiny thing I can manage.  That is what I call fun.  It makes me just as happy as any of my old kinds of fun did.  Also Joe will love it.  He's a sentimental fellow and he doesn't know about it.  Double fun!