Monday 9 July 2012

Not understanding the Internet

I was very excited today because got 2 e-mails from people who had actually read my blog and one of them liked it very much.  However, when I tried to read the comments I couldn't do it.  And then  I seem to have wiped out the one about Teenagers, which was what they commented on, without wanting to at all.

There has never before been a product for which there are no instructions.  Hopeless to click on "help" because it is written in a language I don't understand by people who can't imagine there are people like me.  My grand-daughter says "You know so little about your computer, Grandma, I don't know how you manage to use it at all."  Yet it's essential to me.  No good asking some kind reader to help me, because I won't be able to read their comments, and will be scared to try to in case I lose another one.

All I can say today is so glad of evidence there are readers out there.


  1. I can't see your previous post about teenagers, most likely you somehow managed to delete it or make private. It happens. (Shit happens, Vonnegut would have said).

  2. It's necessary to know something about computers just like it was necessary to know how to knit a sock two centuries ago. I can't say, it's for good or not, and it doesn't matter. You have grandchildrens who can help you!

    If help pages would be in language for people like you they would be useless for people like me.
